January 31, 2013

Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party #30 - Build-A-Bear Workshop

Time for another Foodie Friends Friday Linky Party!  I'm so glad you're here.  And I'm so excited to share with you that we had 198 recipes linked up last week!  Let's see if we can beat that number this week.

Welcome to Foodie Friends Friday!

Please take a moment to read through the rules before getting started, Thank You!

*By linking up you agree that you read these rules and all photos/recipes are original and belong to you. You agree to allow Foodie Friends Friday and any of it's affiliated websites or publications (Social Girls Media, LLC) to use photos, links, and recipes for reprint and/or republishing and distribution without monetary compensation to you. If photos & recipes are used, proper link backs to you will be included.
foodie friends friday, rules
Adding Links back to Foodie Friends Friday and our Button is our only form of advertising to bring in more people to see YOUR recipes.
Please remember to do this. It benefits you! To thank you, we will continue to feature those with links throughout the year on various outlets.

Foodie Friends Friday
<div align="center"><a href="http://www.foodiefriendsfridaydailydish.com/" title="Foodie Friends Friday" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1271.photobucket.com/albums/jj628/busyvegetarianmom/FFFDDButtonNEW150Darker_zpse238f637.jpg" alt="Foodie Friends Friday" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Adorned Well
<div align="center">><a href="http://www.AdornedWell.blogspot.com" title="Adorned Well"><img src="http://i1299.photobucket.com/albums/ag75/AdornedWell/newbutton1-6-2013125x125_zps9a5d8e3a.jpg" alt="Adorned Well" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

Meet our Co-Hosts at Foodie Friends Friday:

Now Let's meet our sponsor this week!

This week's sponsor is Build-a-Bear Workshop!  They will be giving away a Chef Curly Teddy and a $25 gift card to one lucky winner.   This master chef stuffed animal will make the perfect gift for your favorite cook. It comes dressed in a Chef Outfit and Black Dress Shoes.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

*Giveaway Disclaimer: Facebook is in no way associated with this website or giveaway and holds no liability for this giveaway. "Liking" facebook pages is optional, not mandatory for entry. Sponsors will be responsible for shipping- if there is a delay or problem with prize, you must communicate directly with sponsor.

Last week's winners:

1.  Chocolate Covered Cherries by Hun What's for Dinner
2.  White Chai Concentrate by This and That
3.  Love Bug Cake Pops Delivery by Pint Sized Baker

1.  Chocolate Covered Cherries by Hun What's for Dinner
2.  Dilly Casserole Bread by Cozycakes Cottage
3.  White Chai Concentrate by This and That

Two weeks ago we began sponsoring a Host Favorite post on Foodie Friends Friday Daily Dish every Monday.  Make sure to visit Daily Dish each week to see which recipes caught your hosts' attention.  In order to be selected, make sure that you have linked your recipe back to us!

Here are last week's Host Favorites:

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