November 14, 2012

Personal Food Shopper? Kinda. . .

I got home really late last night.  It was close to 9 p.m.!  One of my fellow bloggers commented about how late it was. . .but that is the reality of my life.  I work full time so all of my appointments and errands have to be run AFTER work.  Which got me to thinking. . .what can I do to remove some of that stress and to help myself be more time efficient? 

Sometimes I run errands at lunch time.  The girls in the office love this too.  We knock out our entire list of household items that need to be picked up at the local discount store, or makeup at the local pharmacy and then stop for a quick lunch on the way back to the office.

Another thing that has been a HUGE convienence. . .my employer started participating in something called Fruit My Cube.  They have both Market Crates along with Fruit Cubes.  I've purchased the fruit in the past (awesome, by the way!).  This week I decided to purchase the Market Crate as well.  It is loaded with all the main things that I will need to put together sides for Thanksgiving. . .almost everything is in there but the turkey!

It will be delivered on Monday.  I'll keep you posted with recipes and photos of what I use the ingredients for next week.

Here is everything included in the Thanksgiving Market Crate:

2lb Sweet Potatoes

2lb Red New Potatoes

12oz Cranberries

Dole Celery

1lb Baby Carrots

1pt Grape Tomatoes

2 Sunkist Oranges

1 Red Pepper

1 Yellow Pepper

2 Yukon Bakers


1 Sweet Onion

Green Onions

1lb Broccoli Crowns

1pt White Mushrooms

All these items for . . . just $19.99!  The best part?  It is delievered right to my desk at work.  I don't have to go to the store and select everything and then stand in line to pay.  I did it all online today and will have it on Monday.  That is sweet! 

Here is the fruit box I ordered as well:

4 Bananas

4 Premium WA Apples

4 Sunkist Oranges

4 US #1 Pears

The fruit box that I ordered is $10.99.  I think that is a pretty good deal, again, especially considering it gets delivered right to my desk. 

Thanks, Fruit My Cube!  You just made preparing for Thanksgiving a little less stressful!

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