October 17, 2012

Country Girl

Almost a year ago I travelled to Manhattan, KS to attend my boyfriend's graduation ceremony.  Driving across Missouri and through Kansas was a pretty boring drive as far as the scenery was concerned.  Lots of flat fields of corn, soybeans and cows. 

I happened to have my cell phone in hand as we came upon one farm that I though was postcard quality material. . .While traveling down the highway at 65+ miles an hour (no, I wasn't driving!) I snapped this photo out the car window.  I was really pleasantly surprised at how nice the photo turned out.  While it certainly isn't professional quality, I thought it would be all blurred and uncentered.  I pull it up and look at it from time to time and wonder if I could cut it as a farm girl???

What do you think?


  1. Hi Kelly,

    Thank you for joining us today for the Sunporch Chat. I'm so glad to meet you....a friend of Lois.

    You did capture a great picture. I would have been doing the same as you.....getting that photo! You did a great job!

    And your soup recipe sounds so good in the post below. I'm pinning it for future use! Thanks so much for sharing!

    Enjoy your day!


  2. My husband and I moved from Kansas City to LA two years ago (my husband is from KC, and is a KState alumni - I'm originally from Iowa, but KC is my second home). This pictures makes me miss home! What highway were you on when you snapped this photo (which is amazing, especially for traveling so fast!)?

    1. I wasn't paying attention to which highway we were on, but we were on out way to KState!! My boyfriend finished up his food science degree online and graduated from there last December.


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